Top Seven Reasons it’s Awesome to be an Alum

Let’s face it, now that you’ve graduated and you’re out in the real world, things are a bit different. And isn’t it awesome?! Graduating and becoming an alum in general definitely has its perks, and even more so when you’re a Brother of Phi Sigma Pi. Here are my own top seven reasons I absolutely love being an alumna. (Why top seven? Well, why not?)

1. Alumni Convention
You get to take a several-day vacation in a cool new city with a whole bunch of your friends that you might not have seen in a while. Yup, definitely awesome.

2. Being an Alumni Advisor
Being an Alumni Advisor is a great way to help out with an undergrad Chapter. You feel like you’re really making a difference, and there’s definitely a great sense of pride when you see them do well or induct a new initiate class.

The Lampadion

3. The Lampadion
As a registered NAA member, you get two issues of The Lampadion/Purple & Gold every year. It’s the best magazine because it talks about people you actually know and get to meet in real life! Plus, it’s always nice to get snail mail nowadays, especially if it’s not junk mail or bills.

4. No Business Meetings
Do you remember those Chapter Business Meetings where you’d have elections? And they’d take forever? We would even have a couple of Brothers in our Chapter that would bring a Snuggie to meeting (alright, maybe I was one of them!) because everyone knew they’d be there for a while, so they’d better get cozy. Not so with Alumni-hood!

5. Happy Hours
Really, what’s not to love about Happy Hours?

6. Staying in Touch
Being an alumna gives me a chance to keep in touch with my favorite people from my college years – my Brothers! I can see them at National events, and read about any exciting life events like marriages, babies, and promotions in the Alumni Newsletter Emails.

7. Broadening Your Social Circle
Not only have I kept in touch with a lot of people from college due to staying active in Phi Sigma Pi as an alumna, but I’ve also met countless new people. I think this reason is actually my favorite, because I can honestly say that the people I’ve met through Alumni-hood have helped create some of my life’s most enriching experiences, and definitely changed me for the better.

Any reasons I missed? Feel free to comment and let me know all your favorite perks!